31 August 2017

Nikola Tesla - Consciousness, Energy, Light, Matter, Creativity, Inspiration, Thought, Mind, Infinity, "Music of the spheres"


Nikola Tesla Interview Hidden For 116 Years - Incredible

Uploaded by Universe Inside You - Published on Jun 27, 2017

Nikola Tesla is considered one of the most innovative and mysterious men who ever lived on Earth. He was a man way ahead of his time and is responsible for most of the technology we use today. In fact, if Tesla hadn’t invented and researched everything he did in his time, our technology today would be considerably worse. Tesla’s inventions went far beyond electricity. He made ground-breaking discoveries such as wireless radio communications, turbine engines, helicopters (although it was Da Vinci who first had the idea), fluorescent and neon lights, torpedoes and the X-ray among others. By the time of his death, Tesla held nearly 700 worldwide patents. In this this video we take a look at a very RARE interview, hidden for nearly 116 years.

Books about Nikola Tesla 
The Man Who Invented the Twentieth Century: Nikola Tesla - http://amzn.to/2s1SgjL
Nikola Tesla: The Man Who Harnessed Niagara Falls - http://amzn.to/2sRcNdN 
Nikola Tesla: a Spark of Genius - http://amzn.to/2shvetG

Pythagorean "music of the spheres"  ... Pythagorean monochord 

Listen out for the naturally occuring harmonics/ "overtones" that are produced when the sound waves vibrate against each other in the atmosphere.

Ensemble-2 - Musical Meditation with Flute, Gong, and Monochord

Uploaded by André Müller. Published on Aug 22, 2013

Meditationsmusik mit André Müller (Flute), Michael Fließ (Gong), Roland Hutner (Monochord) http://www.kiwisound.de, http://www.klangtherapiezentrum.de In der gleichen Session wurde das Album Sternensaat/Weltenklang aufgenommen (siehe http://www.amazon.de/Sternensaat-Welt...

26 August 2017

Eckhart Tolle. Change your life.There's only three options.

When I read what Eckhart said in his book "The Power of Now" in early 2009 and I began to put his methods into practice in my daily life and consciousness, my old patterns and being tossed to-and-fro in my life situations, ended.  *Stunning*  By the beginning of 2009 (in March), i'd had 63 entire house moves in my life. I was 48 years old... That's way too many moves. Many of these moves from 1985 onwards were precipitated because my ex-husband was tracking me... trying to find my whereabouts. I lived in terror for a decade. His intention was to kill me... A very, very bad and twisted man...

Note: He perfectly fit my internalized unexamined notions of what a man is: Psychotic and a psychopath - ie: It was me who created this concept based on who I saw my father to be, as a young child. My husband (ex-) was the perfect fulfilment of what lay hidden deep inside of me. He was white collar middle-management, unlike my father who was a farmer. Inside of them, they were both the same. I lived in terror of my father until I was 8 years old when my mother finally divorced my father. I lived in hiding for over a decade when my ex-husband threatened many times, to end my life. Parallels. The appearance of the externals were different. The underlying personalities were the same. The root of re-creating those personality types in men close to me, lay deep inside of me. It was myself who was the fundamental cause. These things needed to be examined.

For the first 2 years after leaving my ex-husband, even my own siblings didn't know where I was living - only my Mum knew. It was way too dangerous for me, or for any of my family or old friends to know where I was. Last seen: "He" was wielding two very long-bladed kitchen knives and bailed up my Christian friends, demanding to know where I was. He's was a huge 6'2" (188cm) timber mill worker at that time. Extremely intimidating. Finally the police kept a watch on him all night until he went to his girlfriend's house and settled there... (June 1985). Meanwhile... down on the farm, in hiding with my sister, the police had instructed my brother-in-law to keep his .22 loaded ("aim for a leg") and to let the farm dogs run loose for the night - Usually they'd be kennelled up down at the cowshed. That night, they were let free to run around the house... three of them. It was a highly volatile situation. In leaving that relationship, I had to let everything and everyone go and start again, which is really difficult when you've got a 2-year-old and a little baby as well. Please see how I got out, here >>

From the middle of 2006 until the end of 2009, I moved house at least every 6 months. Nothing was working for me - nasty flatmates/housemates, dangerous situations involving meth-amphetimines and other drugs, landlords deciding to sell their rental property, a head injury guy in one place which was very difficult to live with, a few changes of jobs - one in a different local town as well...

My son (aged mid-20s at the time) was in despair of me... It was him who took on the burden of helping me move each time as he had access to a work van. I had nine moves in 3.5 years. He couldn't take seeing me constantly shifting and hitting a brick wall every time, only 3-4 months after i'd moved into the next house. It WAS horrible 😖😖😖 I was playing out a script that I had no power to unwrite. It was really out of hand.

In the last apartment I was in, with somebody who I thought was a friend (but found out she was not), I started reading "The Power of NOW" by Eckhart Tolle. People said good things about it, and I thought "Meh... Yeah maybe." But I gave myself to the concepts and principles in the book anyway.

I could only read 1 or 2 pages a day, because the concepts are so "dense" - Very challenging, very difficult to get your mind around, very difficult to try to understand what Eckhart was saying, very different to "normal" ways of thinking...

I was very aware that I was probably "rewiring" my brain - as in, "forcing" the neuron cells in my brain to disconnect from old receptors (the ones that were creating bad patterns and perceptions for me), and through reading Eckhart's book in this way, I was "forcing" those neurons to go to new receptors that wouldn't keep re-creating pain in my life. This wasn't painful (of course), but I just had to go really slow with absorbing these very new ideas. I just stayed open to the possibility that "something else" was going to happen. Every day for around 2 months, I strived with the book (wrestled with the concepts really), to try to really understand what Eckhart Tolle was saying...

It was later in the year, in August 2009 that I began to see the out-working (miraculously as far as I was concerned) of me moving my thinking into the way that Eckhart describes in his book The Power Of Now. In September 2009, I moved into my current apartment, and I have been here ever since - coming up eight years this September !!

For me, and the patterns I had created and co-created ALL of my life, this is an absolute miracle !!  In reading Eckhart's book, the old patterns I had were and are broken!

Eight years in this house completely busts my record of five years spent in one place, from August 1973 to December 1978 (5.4 years) - THAT is how long it's been since I was last settled to any degree. And that only happened when my own mother, completely exhausted of moving with me (she was a single mother also with no/few solutions for her life except God), put her foot down and declared to the Universe/God, "I am staying here so Bronwyn can get a stable high school education." It was social housing, but thankfully the house was in a quiet street with mixed working and beneficiary families of many socio-economic backgrounds. It was great.

I am extremely grateful for that declaration to the Universe that my mother made in 1973. It made all the difference to my life, with many opportunities in music opening to me as a consequence, eg: I won a classical singing scholarship from the Lion's Club in my town after I sung the lead role in a Gilbert and Sullivan musical (colleratura) in our senior school production in 1978. I had support from the wider community through school and church associations. I entered a number of singing competitions that year also - not through support from my own family (which was broken) but through other people in the town who saw me and my potential, who took me by the hand and showed me where the opportunities lay. My mother was still very mentally unstable and continued to be for the rest of her life, until her passing in 2008. 

This stability of "not moving" at least, made all the difference. But my internal pattern was still the same... "Move... Move... Move..." and "Danger... Danger... Danger". It was my pattern. As mentioned above, my father had been a very dangerous man and emotionally had broken all of my four older siblings. They suffer to this day. I continually manifested the "Danger" patterns resulting from family and marital trauma for 48 long years!  Horrible  😕  Life for me has been very different since allowing Eckhart's words to speak to my being.

This seems to be the "healing process"  ... For us to put in the time and effort, and to figure things out for ourselves - To sit with ourselves, to write, to reflect, to "flip cards" (Tarot Cards) as I did for years, to go to as many courses, groups, seminars, lectures and soul-growth groups as possible... I attended the spiritualist church from time to time, chanted Buddhist mantra "Nam Myoho Renge Kyo" twice a day for four years and sung Yogic kirtan (devotional songs) intermittently for around three years... I went to Wiccan circle groups, did full moon drumming, and attended an entire weekend, deep, intensive, "Life Change" course (very deep). I did breath work (rebirthing), which led to the beginning of some extremely deep healing after accessing pre-birth memories and forgotten toddler memories... Horrific 😖 How can people do such things to their very young children? 😢😢   

I even went to "formal" mental heath system meetings (hospital outpatients), and accessed psychologists and other mental health services at different points along the way. I read "self-help" books (recommended: Louise Hay, Shakti Gawain), I listened to and read testimonies, and watched Oprah Winfrey during the 1990s. I did everything - in my effort to find the keys to unlock the doors to my healing. I was determined... very determined. I was so deeply unhappy that in my mid-30s, I decided I would not live the rest of my life that way any longer... I was going to pull out all the stops and find answers for myself. I was sick of being depressed, suicidal and throwing up (vomiting) every other day for around 7 years from the mid-1990s (huge anxiety attacks I couldn't manage). I decided I simply wasn't going to live the rest of my life this way... So I began to look for my healing. I was not going to be unhappy anymore... This was way before I knew how deep the rabbit hole went. I had no idea of all the things that lay hidden in the forgotten "subtext" of my life  😓😓  There was a lot of uncovering to do.

It's no wonder I suffered from ongoing PTSD for "no apparent reason". My life simply didn't work. It had been going on like this since early childhood... Living in terror - and what I didn't know was that it was me myself who kept creating it, unwittingly, unwillingly. All of "that" was my conditioning. I had no control over "it".

Suicidal?  Of course... But I had two young children to try to be there for, so ending my life really wasn't an option for me. My life was hell. I was in hell... for years 😢 (my poor children)  *many regrets*
_ _ _

Nobody can give us the answers to our own life. Nobody can tell us what to think or how to do "it" - that is, to reclaim the recovery of our whole life. My whole life has now been "Re-Covered" - I had to go back and cover it all again, to figure out what the hell had happened to me. It was painful with many bleak and emotionally lonely days, particularly when I was confronted on two separate occasions with re-living sexual abuse (digital sodomy) perpetrated on my little body when I was around 2 year old. But this seems to be the only way we can do this deep work, by being brutally honest with ourselves. And when you cut with the BS and can look directly into your own face without the lies, then begins the integration and acceptance of whatever has happened to you. And then it's fine... It doesn't hurt you anymore. You have re-solved it. So....

Continue to challenge yourself. 

Continue in your determination to be happy.

I did. And I am now one of the most stable and happy people I know.
The old adage is true...

"And this too shall pass."

It's true. But for many people such as myself, you really have to work at it. It's hard and it's rough and grainy - like a children's slide you've decided to sit on, that you realize all too late is embedded with roading stones. The experience is very unforgiving. The rewards of your bravery?  Enormous!

After we permission ourselves to get all cut up (again) and get bashed about emotionally... and on some days we know we aren't even going to be facially recognisable to our friends or family (the pain is so great) ... Then after all that - We heal!  

I am a living testimony to this process. It could very well take you years. Are you worth it? I hope your answer to yourself is "Yes I AM!". And after that breaking down and building up again, you will live many, many more years absolutely contented in your own skin, and you will be HAPPY !!!  100% happy!

The process seems to be: We bumble along, joining the dots, trying this and that until we find things that work for us, cry our tears, experience our pain, lostness and defeat... Reflect... reflect... reflect... (internal work). And yeah - At times it's really exhausting, but there IS an end to it - I can promise you that!

"And this too shall pass."

"Life" is our own battle to win or lose. We are all potential winners! Eckhart Tolle has amazing insights, knowledge and techniques to absolutely, diametrically change where you are sitting right now.

"The Power of NOW" is not a book you can "just read", for it to be effective. It's a book you have to apply - into your daily life and into your ways of thinking... little by little. I am sure this book will help many people who read this article.

If you want to talk to me more about what you are experiencing, please follow this link which will take you through to the "Bookings" page on this website. Thanks, Bron.

#EckhartTolle @ The Power of Now

Related image

24 August 2017

The history of sound-sonic healing - the Pythagorean school

Excerpts from an article by Marion Kraus  - "History of Sound Healing"

The art and science of sound healing is ancient in origin, however one practitioner and great mathematician stands out from the rest: Pythagoras (b.569 BC). He discovered the musical intervals and taught that you could heal using sound and harmonic frequencies. He was the first person to prescribe music as medicine. He is considered the “Father of Harmonics”. He applied the principles of harmonics to everything from music, art and architecture to running governments, raising a family, friendship, and personal development.

Pythagoras was the first to coin the word “Philosophy” which literally means, “love of wisdom” and refers to the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence - including all ideologies, theories, notions, doctrines, principles, tenets, viewpoints, and schools of thought.

The Mystery School Pythagoras founded immediately drew thousands of disciples. His criterion for admittance was stringent resulting in a cultivated community of devout geniuses. The curriculum was designed with a single underlying purpose: to bring the lives of men & women into Harmony with the Divine.

21 August 2017

Who or What is "God"?


I know that what you call 'God' really exists, but not in the form you think...

- God is primal cosmic energy, the love in your body, your integrity, and your perception of the nature in you and outside of you.

Said by Dr. Wilhelm Reich  

(See Wilhelm Reich @ 14:27 on the video below)

Eclipse Of Disclosure Day 3 - Cosmic Law & Philosophy

Published August 20, 2017
by Jordan Sather - Destroying the Illusion
Day 3 of the Eclipse of Disclosure Conference in Mt. Shasta, California.

20 August 2017

Shamanism alive! The Norwegian Shamanistic Federation - "Sjamanistisk Forbund"

Kyrre Gram Franck drumming in Southern Norway in 2014 using a drum and hammer made and offered to him by the Hungarian shaman Regös Sziránszki József. Courtesy photo.

See also the "Isogaisa Festival" held every year in August, in Norway.

Shamanistic Echoes in the Arctic North
by Lyonel Perabo  April 29, 2016  (edited) 

The Sjamanistisk Forbund, or Shamanic Union, was established in 2012 in the city of Tromsø located in the far north of Norway. It was founded by Kyrre Gram Franck, a native of the region. Since then, the organization, which aims to rejuvenate the age-old shamanic traditions of Northern Europe, has experienced a steady growth and now has members over the whole country. Franck is the regional chairman and vision-leader in the organization. He talks about his spiritual vision, challenges, and role in the 21st-century Norwegian religious landscape.

The coast of the island of Kvaløya near Tromsø, North-Norway. Photo: L. Perabo

The Northern edge of Norway was historically the country’s last Pagan stronghold. While the Christianization process met with little resistance in the south, the inhabitants of Norway’s northernmost constituency Hálogaland resisted the longest. While the Church progressively became increasingly influential among the Norse population of Arctic Norway throughout the Middle-Ages, the indigenous Sámi people were, for the most part, able to retain their traditional religious beliefs and practices, most of which revolved around the figure of the noaidi, or the shaman.

Natives of the region have been willing to engage with their pre-Christian roots and heritage while keeping an eye on other traditions and practices for help and inspiration. While the Sámi shamans Eirik Myrhaug and Ailo Gaup started to develop their practices in the 1980s and 1990s, there were no organizations gathering those interested in shamanism until fairly recently when Kyrre Gram Franck established the Sjamanistisk Forbund.

Franck had a spiritual connection with Nordic nature and its spirits since childhood, and had been engaged in discovering and researching shamanism since his late teens. He developed his practice over the years through personal meetings with shamans of various traditions. However, it was only after a rather singular spiritual experience that he came to establish an organized group centered around the practice. Franck explained:
One night in 2009 a vision came to me in my dreams that showed a lot of people sharing what they had of knowledge with each other. The spirits showed me that the tradition we once had could be revived, through sharing. There were men and women from all continents there, who showed us things while we showed them others. Since I am an empath a lot of emotions also came to me then beyond just the information. Right before I woke up there was a clear voice that told me to start something called the Norwegian shamanic Federation.

Shortly thereafter, Franck had a talk with Ronald Kvernmo, the organizer of the Isogaisa Shamanic Festival and decided to drop the “Norwegian” from the name of the organization in order to display a greater acceptance of shamanic cultures beyond Norway or even Scandinavia. In 2012, the "Sjamanistisk Forbund" was registered as an official religious organization in Norway.

From the beginning, Franck had the idea to develop Sjamanistisk Forbund around both Sámi and Norse shamanism. As exemplified in the Medieval Norse-Icelandic sagas and later folkloristic material, Norse and Sámi Pagan practices and beliefs have indeed likely influenced each other for centuries, thus mirroring the close relationship the Sámi and the Norse populations have had since the late Iron Age. However, according to Franck, the organization focuses on reconstructing shamanic practices from much further back in time when the boundaries between the future proto-Sámi and proto-Norse cultures were at best dim, if existent at all.

However, having been in contact with shamans and Pagans from many cultures and traditions, Franck stresses the fact that individual members and affiliates are free to engage and develop their own practices. He said:
As a organization our focus is on Norse and Sámi shamanism and creating a living, vibrant culture for it in Norway, but we welcome all aspects of shamanism. A member’s own practice is between him and The Creator and and is not up to us to define as correct or not. The spirits showed me that it is important to emphasize the spiritual in tradition rather than the technical aspects.

As an organization, Sjamanistisk Forbund has over 250 members distributed all over Norway and many more sympathizers. For the moment, the group’s focus is on celebrating the full-moons and the solstices as well as organizing weddings, funerals, coming of age and naming ceremonies. Franck also underscores the fact that by being an established organization, Sjamanistisk Forbund has many more opportunities to reach out to the public sphere. He said:
SF has served as a means to inspire others but also to create an understanding for both governmental organizations as well as people who have no previous experience with “alternative” religions or shamanism. In addition, by creating public acceptance of shamanistic beliefs and faith we will also be able to create space for the development of the individual. Together we will protect and create a vibrant culture, bringing life to what we have lost.

There is no denying that the emergence of the organization has to be seen in the context of a shifting Norwegian religious landscape in which, according to Franck, being associated with and even engaged in “alternative” or Pagan groups is much more accepted than before. Sjamanistisk Forbund has also had the opportunity to cooperate with some domestic Pagan organizations such as the Heathen congregations Bifrost and Forn Sed, as well as with a few international ones including the Ural–Altaic traditional culture festival Kurultaj in Hungary and the The Order of Bards, Ovates & Druids in the United Kingdom.

A meeting of the Sjamanistisk Forbundet. From left to right: Morten Storeider, Christoffer Skauge Eid, Louise Degotte, Kyrre Gram Franck, Gro Hilseth and Tone Johnsen. Courtesy photo.

Since its inception, Sjamanistisk Forbund has even had contact with the Norwegian Lutheran State Church, which used to behave in a mostly dismissive and antagonistic way toward non-Christian or non-Abrahamic congregations. Such a mitigating demeanor is a symptom of the dilemma the Church faces when an increasing number of Norwegians no longer identify as Christians. Last month, the hierarchy of the Norwegian Church was shocked by a nation-wide poll published in the leading Norwegian daily newspaper Aftenposten, which revealed that the majority of baptized members do not identify with the faith. While many commentators have interpreted this study as a sign of an increasingly secular and nonreligious civil society, Franck does not believe that spirituality is on the wane in the Kingdom. He said:

Most humans have a spiritual part in them, when we don’t express it we get sick or as I would say it, our Fylgja (Norse name for protective spirit) gets sick. We have tried to turn that part of us away for a long time. But people are rediscovering their spirituality at an increasingly rate. I cannot count the times that people have come to me, people I have never regarded as spiritual, and told me about their spiritual experiences. I foresee a revival age where shamanism isn’t just a belief but also a part of our proud heritage, a part of our culture.

Franck very much embodies this idea and does not see his spiritual practice as separated from his daily life and activities. He is a musician, a member of the ethnic-ambient band Bålfolket, and the World-Trance group Northern Lights Sound Project.

Both through his art and the organization he founded, Franck sees his spiritual engagement as a means to bring about a greater understanding of and acceptance for not only the Sjamanistisk Forbund but also for the greater Pagan and shamanic worldview in order to, according to him create a living, vibrant culture for it in Norway. May he, the organization, and all of its members and representatives, be successful in this endeavor.

Read the full article here >>


19 August 2017

Cancer cured in 3 minutes.

Affirmative focused visualization. When we understand what the quantum field is and that the human pineal gland is "the observer" of the experiment (ref: the 'double slit' experiments in the 1930s), then "miracle" healings are no longer "miraculous". They then become "science". Our mind is able to manipulate the quantum field and bring about physical and psychological healing, through thought and affirmation - "the science of imagery" which is basically visualization on steroids. It's much, more more than just "positive thinking". It's not that. These technologies are something else. This is amazing stuff!

Video: Cancer Cured in 3 Minutes - Awesome Presentation 
by Gregg Braden

Published on Sep 2, 2013
Practitioners in a "medicineless hospital" in China visualize a perfectly functioning bladder for this woman. They say the mantra "Already happened".

"I will let go... and that will collapse it into a new possible outcome."


Super-positioning, or pre-positioning:  What the bleep do we know-Down the rabbit hole 3/16   

Published on Dec 29, 2007
What the bleep do we know-Down the rabbit hole.

Professor John Hagelin (PhD) : "At the basis of it all, life and the universe slips through your fingers and you come up with something that is increasingly abstract... increasingly abstract until you come to the realm of pure abstraction...  And that's what the unified field is - pure abstract potentional, pure abstract being, pure abstract self-aware consciousness..."

How To Manifest Rain

Published on Feb 26, 2013