24 August 2017

The history of sound-sonic healing - the Pythagorean school

Excerpts from an article by Marion Kraus  - "History of Sound Healing"

The art and science of sound healing is ancient in origin, however one practitioner and great mathematician stands out from the rest: Pythagoras (b.569 BC). He discovered the musical intervals and taught that you could heal using sound and harmonic frequencies. He was the first person to prescribe music as medicine. He is considered the “Father of Harmonics”. He applied the principles of harmonics to everything from music, art and architecture to running governments, raising a family, friendship, and personal development.

Pythagoras was the first to coin the word “Philosophy” which literally means, “love of wisdom” and refers to the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence - including all ideologies, theories, notions, doctrines, principles, tenets, viewpoints, and schools of thought.

The Mystery School Pythagoras founded immediately drew thousands of disciples. His criterion for admittance was stringent resulting in a cultivated community of devout geniuses. The curriculum was designed with a single underlying purpose: to bring the lives of men & women into Harmony with the Divine.


  1. He was not the first to use music for healing the Ancient Egyptians were. The place Plagiarist Pythagoras got ALL his knowledge from.

    1. Hahaha!! I see. Yes... All these scholars of former times wandered around checking out what other groups of people knew... Much the same as we do now, I guess! :)


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